Beard Care Basics for Busy Gents

Throughout the ages, beards have served many purposes, from protection and practicality, to a symbol of status and individuality. The beard game has been won and lost, with countless men itching to figure out just what makes it tick.

Yes, beard maintenance doesn’t start and end with a beard trim, but as you groom the growth, remind yourself that all the greatest beards that have gone down in the mane hall of fame require patience and dedication.

This is a busy beard wearer’s foolproof way to bearded glory on the go, trimmed down by your expert barber – Soho NYC Barbers. Just consider it the bare basics with the most benefits for any schedule.

#1 Give It Time

Hair, irrespective of where it is on your body, goes through a hair growth cycle. Facial fuzz, too, goes through stages where it grows, rests, and falls out. The growing stage can last months or even years.

Then there’s also the matter of genetics and hormones. These can determine how quickly and fully a beard will grow, with lifestyle also affecting beard success. No matter your mane goals, tell yourself, as you’re looking in the mirror tending to your beard, that good things take time (and just a little bit of TLC).

#2 Keep Your Beard Clean & Moisturized

If anything, clean, healthy skin and hair are essential to beard maintenance. And for the gentlemen on the go, it’s quick, little additions that still have the ability to transform your beard’s health and look.

You’ll always hear your barber advise a gentle cleansing 2-3 times a week, as well as the answer to any beard hydration question – beard oil.

While facial hair does contain a good amount of natural oils, many external factors, like weather and pollution can affect your beard’s ability to grow thick, soft, and lush. So, after cleansing, how do you prevent your beard from drying out?

The successful beardsman carries a simple, yet powerful tool – a little bit of beard oil massaged into clean skin and combed through. It contains loads of nutrients, vitamins, and essential oils you need to grow a proud fuzz. It also comes in handy with training your beard, but more on that later.

Pro tip: Use a facial cleanser or one specifically formulated for beards, not hair shampoo, as this can unnecessarily strip oils. Apply beard oil after showering or washing your face. This allows the oil to penetrate the hair follicles and skin more effectively.

#3 Tell It Where to Go & Grow

The thought of training your beard can be daunting. What does this mean? Surely, this tip belongs to an advanced beard care guide? It’s actually rather easy. It involves a bit of brushing or combing action and the occasional beard trim.

Training your beard essentially means that you’re encouraging it to grow downwards. Whether you’re trying to grow a full, thick beard or already have one and want to see it flourish, training your beard with beard oil and a brush (or comb) will keep it looking healthy, moisturized, and well-groomed.

Beard brushes are used to style and tame your beard hairs with the added benefits of exfoliating and distributing oils throughout your beard, while beard combs are used to detangle longer facial hair. Investing in a boar bristle beard brush is never a bad idea; if you have longer facial hair, detangle your beard with ease using a beard comb.

After working the beard oil thoroughly through the skin and the length of your beard, simply brush it in the direction you want it to grow. Regular brushing and oiling stimulate blood flow to the hair follicles and nourish the hair and skin while preventing tangles and split ends.

Pro tip: Don’t be afraid to use a beard trimmer, hair scissors, or electric clippers to trim your beard edges and facial hair ends. And be sure to always start with a clean, dry beard.

Beard Care Made Easy With Soho NYC Barbers

Once you’ve trimmed away all the product and tool options available for the sake of simplicity, these few beard basics fit into any schedule, as well as saving you a lot of time in the long run.

And, more specialist guidance is not far. This New York barbershop is any mane wearer’s answer to beard basics, grooming, and styling. Swinging by for a professional beard trim for added expertise and advice will almost guarantee a smooth, quality beard journey.

Booking an appointment has never been easier with just a few clicks online. Or, if you have a few minutes to spare in your day, simply walk into our central, friendly spot on 396 Broome St in New York and ask for an expert beard trim and maybe a pristine cut, too.